Sunday 25 November 2012

Boys Boys Boys

Today I realised how irritated I am. Or at least, how irritating my brain is. I literally have so much shit going on in my head right now I do not have the time, space or energy to be dealing with the weird mushy mess of feelings I have right now.
I've had two serious boyfriends in my entire life and a few complete rebound/mistakes. The first was a total pezdazo de mierda and the second was far too immature. The point I'm trying to make is that I have really bad taste in boys and let me tell you they're usually the neediest little fuckers going. But who is this boy. He doesn't treat me like I'm some broken woman that will shatter if anyone even looks at me wrong! He's nice. You have no idea how long its been since I found someone nice. He smiles at me like a normal human being, it's not full of pity and sorrow. It's a genuine smile. But I don't know the first thing about myself any more. I wouldn't like me. Why would he

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